Friday, June 17, 2011

16 Things Final Evaluation

1. What were you favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I think one of my favorite things was creating and using this blog.  I really enjoyed going through each "Thing" and talking about what I learned.  I have also really enjoyed visiting my classmates blogs to see what they were learning or finding for each topic.  Another thing I have really enjoyed using is the RSS feed.  I don't use bloglines because I didn't have much luck with them, but I am using Google Reader.  I have downloaded an app for my phone and my computer so I can easily keep up with whats going on in education in the US & Texas, technology, some others.   Hopefully I can add to this list so that I can stay up to date with current events.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I am really interested in checking out the 23 Things website and completing some of the activities that we didn't complete in this class.  I think there are tons of tools out there to discover and I am sure there will be plenty more made over the coming years.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I was surprised at how easy it was for me to talk about what I was learning and thinking.  I don't usually like to write, but this blog has really been an awesome experience.  A few times as I was looking over my blog and posts I would ask myself "Am I being to long-winded" - but I really had a lot to say because I enjoyed this so much.  I hope to continue using this blog to complete the other 17 things from the bad I can't change my blog address :(

4. What could I do differently to improve upon this programs format or concept?
I would have liked to have the Things spread out over the course of the class and maybe incorporate more of the "things" from the original list.   You also might want to check some of the links on your blog because a few of them are broken.


  1. I know! It's so frustrating that you can't change your blog address. I feel the same way!

  2. I'll try Google Reader instead of Bloglines! Thanks for your suggestion :) - Rachelle
